I am an Usui and Karuna Reiki® Master, telepathic communicator, vibrational healer (using forks, sound and color) and an intuitive healer. As a ‘conduit’, I’m able to transfer Universal Life Energy to assist with healing, stress reduction, relaxation, chakra balancing and continued good physical and mental health.
The name ‘Shawndra’ is actually ancient Sanskrit and means ‘She outshines the stars’. My mother thought she had made up this name for me. But when I was about 14, we met another Shawndra, and her mother told us of the heritage. We then later met a male Chandra from India and he confirmed the name, the meaning, and wrote it out for me in Sanskrit – the symbol, or logo, you see on top of the page is my name written in ancient Sanskrit.
My philosophy is that we are all part of the circle of life – each and everyone of us has purpose, is worthy of respect, and has a place within this circle. This includes all animal life, the environment – everything. In a circle, nothing has more importance than any other, every part is needed for a complete and strong circle. It’s the ‘bringing together’ of the many diverse elements and beliefs that help us to heal and stay healthy. When we open ourselves to respecting all things, we invite tolerance, healing, compassion and love for ourselves and for everything around us. I don’t believe there is only one ‘right’ way. We each need to honor what is ‘right’ for us, and also honor what is ‘right’ for another.
As long as I can remember, I have felt an obligation to leave this world better than I found it. Looking back, I can see that my choices have guided me in that direction. I began my healing career by learning color therapy in the mid 1980’s. The vibration of color, and our physiological response to undertones and intensities can have enormous impacts on our lives and our healing.
My next step was to learn telepathic animal communication. This has been an incredible experience for me, for other humans and for the animals. I have used this with wild animals, captive animals and pets. We all have this ability, in fact, most of us probably already communicate with our pets. It’s the listening that we really need to learn and focus on. By learning to listen to what the animals are saying – by being able to have a two-way conversation with them – it has allowed me to help animals and their humans in ways I never would have imagined.
I then became interested in Reiki – I wanted to do something that was loving, respectful and healing. As a Reiki Master, I am able to focus that loving, healing energy in ways that amaze even me. I have found Reiki to be of enormous benefit to humans, animals, plants – all living things, and all situations. At about this same time, I began working with tuning forks. By combining the healing energy of sound, vibration and Reiki, my healing sessions became even more powerful. Healing can of course, happen remotely, as energy knows no boundaries. So, no matter where a human or animal is, I can tune in to them, their energy and send healing.
This amazing journey I’m on has taken many turns, and I eagerly look forward to what comes next. I am honored to help humans and animals to be more healthy, to release things that no longer serve them in a positive way, and to bridge the gap between our ‘languages’. Being a healer is my life’s calling and one that brings me immense joy. I thank you for sharing this path with me, if only for a few minutes. Be happy, and be well.